

  • nou o kitaeru otona ds training
  • :    river; stream
  • :    island; isle
  • :    grand prosperous; flourishin ...
  • :    highest; greatest; remotest
  • 教授:    professor


        :    river; stream
        :    island; isle
        :    grand prosperous; flourishin ...
        :    highest; greatest; remotest
        教授:    professor
        脑力:    brains; habitus; mental
        锻炼:    take exercise; have physical ...
        川岛隆太教授之脑力锻炼2:    motto nou wo kitaeru otona no ds training
        岛隆太教授监修:    kahashima ryuuta kyouju kanshuu nou chikara trainer portable sega japan
        教授之家:    the professor’s house
        教授之职:    professorship
        教授之职位:    professorate
        耐力锻炼:    endurance exercise
        低应力锻炼法:    understressing
        隆太:    ryuta
        川岛:    kawajima; kawashima azumi
        静力锻炼肌肉运动〔如以手推墙等〕。:    isometric exercise
        静力锻练法,一种等长收缩肌肉锻炼法。:    isometrics
        脑力:    brains; habitus; mental◇脑力工作 intellectual work; 脑力劳动 mental work; 脑力劳动者 mental worker; brain worker; white-collar worker; labourer working with his brain
        太教:    menorah
        隆太郎:    ryutaro
        锻炼:    1.(体育锻炼) take exercise; have physical training 锻炼好身体 build up a strong constitution; 经常锻炼以保持健康 train regularly to keep fit; 热心地从事体育锻炼 pursue one's athletic exercises with zest; 他长期缺乏锻炼。 he had been short of exercise for a long time. 智能的锻炼同身体的运动同样重要。 exercise of the mental faculties is as important as bodily excercise.2.(磨炼) temper; steel; toughen 在劳动中锻炼自己 steel oneself in labour; 劳动锻炼 temper oneself through manual labour; 在大风大浪中经受锻炼 be tempered in [through] the great storms
        教授:    1.(高校中最高的职称) professor 副教授 associate professor; 客座教授 visiting professor; guest professor2.(讲解说明教材内容) instruct; teach; lecture on 教授得法 have tact in teaching; 教授历史 teach history; 教授地位[任期; 职务] professorate; 教授法 teaching methods; pedagogics; 教授界 professordom
        西岛隆弘:    takahiro nishijima
        村田隆太郎:    murata ryutaro


  1. "川岛海荷"英文
  2. "川岛和津实"英文
  3. "川岛梨渚"英文
  4. "川岛丽奈"英文
  5. "川岛令美"英文
  6. "川岛隆太教授之脑力锻炼2"英文
  7. "川岛美希"英文
  8. "川岛梦"英文
  9. "川岛末树代"英文
  10. "川岛千代子"英文


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