峰: peak; summit拖尾: hangover; trailing; trailer; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...根源: source; origin; grass roots; ...崩溃的根源: origins of the crash病的根源: the cause of disease活力的根源: nerve恐布的根源: specter恐怖的根源: spectre力量的根源: the fountainhead of powerr麻烦的根源: to wake a sleeping wolf生机的根源: lifeblood新的根源: newrootsbeggae忧虑的根源: fear知识的根源: sources of knowledge铲除战争的根源: root out the causes of war他自我毁灭的根源: the agent of his own ruin它的根源在于嫉妒: it has its source in envy通货膨胀的根源: supply of inflation相互争斗的根源: dragon’s teeth小死神2邪恶的根源: death jr. - root of evil konami europe因循是失败的根源: procrastination is the father of failure追出谣言的根源: go after眼中钉,肉中刺;烦恼的根源: a thorn in the flesh拖尾: 1.[讯] hangover; trailing; [电子学] trailer; smear2.[摄影学] trail; streaking; tailing