

  • identification of seams
  • 岩层:    rock formation; stratum; roc ...
  • 鉴别:    distinguish; differentiate; ...
  • 地层鉴别:    identification of strata; terrain interpretation
  • 岩层:    [地] rock formation; stratum; rock stratum
  • 鉴别:    distinguish; differentiate; discriminate; discern; identify 鉴别能力 ability to differentiate; 鉴别文物 make an appraisal of a cultural relic; 鉴别真伪 discern the false from the genuine; 鉴别善恶 discern good from evil; 根据指纹鉴别罪犯 the identification of criminals by fingerprints; 有些人难以鉴别蓝绿两种颜色。 some people find it difficult to discern blue from green.; 鉴别力 flair; 鉴别率 [电学] discrimination; 鉴别码 authentication code; 鉴别能力 resolving ability; resolution capability; 鉴别误差 discrimination error


        岩层:    rock formation; stratum; roc ...
        鉴别:    distinguish; differentiate; ...
        地层鉴别:    identification of strata; terrain interpretation
        岩层:    [地] rock formation; stratum; rock stratum
        鉴别:    distinguish; differentiate; discriminate; discern; identify 鉴别能力 ability to differentiate; 鉴别文物 make an appraisal of a cultural relic; 鉴别真伪 discern the false from the genuine; 鉴别善恶 discern good from evil; 根据指纹鉴别罪犯 the identification of criminals by fingerprints; 有些人难以鉴别蓝绿两种颜色。 some people find it difficult to discern blue from green.; 鉴别力 flair; 鉴别率 [电学] discrimination; 鉴别码 authentication code; 鉴别能力 resolving ability; resolution capability; 鉴别误差 discrimination error
        膏岩层:    gy olyte; gypsolyte
        基岩层:    d horizon; dhorizon; d-horizon d
        砾岩层:    boulder bed
        母岩层:    d horizon; dhorizon
        攀岩层:    outcrop climbing
        强岩层:    competent beds; competentbed
        熔岩层:    lava bed; lavabed
        软岩层:    incompetent bed; soft digging; soft formation
        弱岩层:    incompetent beds; incompetentbed
        上岩层:    mantlerock; regolith
        围岩层:    surrounding bed
        岩层的:    outcrop
        岩层顶:    rock head
        岩层群:    group of beds
        岩层土:    regosol
        页岩层:    rammell; shale bed
        硬岩层:    shelly formation
        源岩层:    source bed
        主岩层:    host layer
        kerberos鉴别:    kerberos authentication


  1. "岩层构造"英文
  2. "岩层厚度"英文
  3. "岩层或岩体构造分离破裂"英文
  4. "岩层加固"英文
  5. "岩层间断"英文
  6. "岩层交互变化"英文
  7. "岩层交替"英文
  8. "岩层界面"英文
  9. "岩层静态应力"英文
  10. "岩层静应力"英文


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