绿: green柴: firewood火山绿: verde lavars灵山绿: sage green庐山绿: green lushan鲁山绿: lushan green平山绿: green of pingshan杉山绿: sukiyama midorli山绿茶: folium ilicis hainanensis; hainan holly leaf天山绿: green of heaven mountain燕山绿: rainforest green; yanshan green承德燕山绿: green yan mountain of cheng de封山绿化: close off hills for forestation旧金山绿: san francisco green; st.francisco青山绿坡: green hills and slopes青山绿水: green hills and blue waters -- beautiful country scene; blue hills and green streams; green mountains and rivers青山绿野: verdurous mountains青山绿水红裙: new photos山绿茶,海南冬青: hainan holly leaf牙买加山绿鹃: blue mountain vireo青山绿水我和你: green hills and blue waters i with you为子孙后代留下青山绿水: preserve the green mountains and clear rivers for posterity山峦: mountain range; chain of mountains; multipeaked mountain 山峦起伏 undulating hills; 山峦青青 the blue ridges of the mountain山峦的轮廓: profile of the mountains山峦迭翠: range upon range of green hills山鹿素行: yamaga sokō