歌: song宝山之歌: song of the treasure mountain插天山之歌: the song of cha-tian mountain之歌: a b c ong abc; dvd9; mtv; songfromasecretgarden火山之: volcanic山之边: yamanobe山之城: yamanoki; yamanoshiro山之村: yamanomura山之辅: yamanosuke山之介: yamanosuke山之井: yamanoi山之口: yamanoguchi; yamanokuchi山之内: yamanouchi山之上: yamanoe; yamanoue山之守: yamanomori山之王: king of the hill; mountain king山之舞: mountaindance山之雾: mountain mist山之血: blood of the mountain山之音: sound of the mountain; the thunder of the mountain; yama no oto山之佑: yamanosuke山之月: moon of the mountains山之助: yamanosuke山之巅: mht-1山之飨: serenity