

发音:   用"屏幕显示屏"造句


  1. We are able to offer sharp 100 % original lcd screen for psp replacement , in case your psp screen is scratched or cannot display , you can use it for replacement
    我们能提供100 %原锐利液晶屏幕白鼠更换如果你是白鼠屏幕显示屏抓伤或不能,你可以用它作交换
  2. When using the optional pcsa - dsm1 data solution module , which is neatly integrated into the rear of the unit , the sony pcs - tl30 is capable of sending or receiving any image that can be displayed on a pc presentation data in native xga resolution during a video conference . and because the pcsa - dsm1 is equipped with an rgb out connector , presentation data from the pcs - tl30 can be enlarged by connecting the unit to equipment such as a projector or a large display
    使用选购的pcsa - dsm1资料分享器模组时,该模组整地集成在设备的后部, pcs - tl30能够在视频会议中,以xga分辨率,发送或接收pc机上所能够显示的任何图像会议报告数据.而由于pcsa - dsm1配备rgb输出介面,因为可以将系统与投影机或大屏幕显示屏等设置连接起来,放大pcs - tl30输出的会场报告数据



  1. "屏幕显示"英文
  2. "屏幕显示(菜单)"英文
  3. "屏幕显示放大"英文
  4. "屏幕显示机柜"英文
  5. "屏幕显示模式"英文
  6. "屏幕显示器"英文
  7. "屏幕显示缩小"英文
  8. "屏幕显示真北向上"英文
  9. "屏幕显像传真"英文
  10. "屏幕小键盘"英文


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