屈膝: go down on one's knees; bend ...姿势: posture; gesture屈膝姿: kneeling较松弛的抱膝姿势: open tuck屈膝防守姿势: deep stance屈膝: go down on one's knees; bend one's knees; give in; knuckle down; succumb 行屈膝礼 dip a courtesy; 使某人屈膝 bring a person to his knees; 屈膝跪着 on bent knees; 屈膝谈心 have a heart-to-heart talk with knees together姿势: posture; gesture 直立的姿势 an erect posture; 姿势优美 have a graceful carriage; 姿势端正 have a regular posture屈膝礼: curtsey; curtsy深屈膝: deep knee bends卑躬屈膝: bow and scrape cringe; grovel卑躬屈膝的: hangdog卑躬屈膝者: groveler俯首屈膝: kneel down humbly女子,屈膝礼: curtsey屈膝跪着: on bent knees屈膝海豚: dolphin bent knee屈膝举踵: plié-relevé position屈膝礼(女生): curtsey屈膝礼拜: bend the knees in worship屈膝两头起: curl-up屈膝求和: bow the knees to ... and sue for peace屈膝绕环: side-knee twist屈膝施礼: curtsey curtsy屈膝抬腿: knee pull-in屈膝谈心: have a heart to heart talk with knees together