It was composed by a sumnet and several layered subnets , and could divide a complex task into a series of subtasks , so it could quickly identify whether the defect was existed , and also the defect location and dimension 该网络包括一个总网和各层子网,可以将一个复杂的任务分成多个小任务去完成,能快速识别出缺陷有无、走向以及大小。
With the different loading ratio of parallel to axis and normal to axis direction , damage defects will occur bulking problem . by varying the degree of material anisotropy relative to the loading axis such as poisson ' s ratio and shear modulus , crack growth bulking strain value parallel to or normal to the loading axis is different . the parameters controlling the growth or arrest of the delamination damage are identified as the geometry and the depth of defects and radius of cylindrical etc . at last , it was investigated that the delamination damage is often induced by the tip of matrix damage under higher stress 研究结果表明:壳体筒段受轴向拉伸和内压载荷作用时,轴向和环向载荷的比率不同,母层和子层可能发生拉伸屈曲,也可能发生收缩屈曲,或者同时发生拉伸和压缩屈曲;母层与子层各向异性存在差异,即泊松比与剪切模量不匹配时,将使子层板的边界上承受压缩和剪切作用,当分层达到临界状态则发生屈曲,当母层与子层的各向异性差异越大,则发生分层屈曲的可能性越大;分层损伤的屈曲应变值与子层自身的弹性模量、分层子层的形状、厚度以及圆柱半径等因素有关。