

  • wet belly disease
  • wet-belly disease
  • 尿:    urine
  • 污染:    pollute; contaminate
  • :    disease; illness
  • 尿污毛:    urine stained wool
  • 感染症:    infectious disease


        尿:    urine
        污染:    pollute; contaminate
        :    disease; illness
        尿污毛:    urine stained wool
        感染症:    infectious disease
        人粪尿污泥:    night soil sludge; nightsoil sludge
        尿污不食草地:    urine patch
        颅内感染症:    intracranial infection
        细菌感染症:    microbism
        牛腺簿感染症:    adenovirus infection of cattle
        污染:    pollute; contaminate 大气层污染 atmosphere pollution; 道德污染 moral pollution; 地下(水) 污染 underground (water) pollution; 放射性污染 radioactive contamination; 工业污染 industrial pollution; 工业粉尘污染 industrial dust pollution; 化学污染 chemical pollution; 环境污染 environmental pollution; 精神污染 spiritual contamination; 空气污染 air pollution; 飘尘污染 floating dust pollution; airborne dust pollution; 水污染 water contamination; 噪音污染 noise pollution; 污染社会风气 debase the standards of social conduct; 烟屑污染空气。 soot fouls the air.; 污染带 pollution zone; 污染等级 class of pollution; 污染监测 pollution monitoring; 污染水域 pollution waters; 污染物质 pollutant; 污染源 pollution source
        感染症学会会刊:    journal of the japanese association for infec diseases the; journal of the japanese association for infec-diseases the; journal of the japanese association for infec-diseases, the
        鸡弯杆菌感染症:    camphylobacter infection of chicken
        绿浓杆菌感染症:    pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
        南高病毒感染症:    menangle virus infection
        鸟类腺簿感染症:    avian adenovirus infection
        牛腺病毒感染症:    adenovirus infection of cattle
        反污染, 抗污染:    antipollution
        污染物;污染体:    pollutant
        污染者;污染源:    polluter
        氨污染:    ammonia pollution
        被污染:    contaminated
        变色, 污染:    discoloration
        除污染:    decontaminating; depollution
        氮污染:    nitrogen pollution


  1. "尿胃蛋白酶过多"英文
  2. "尿胃蛋白酶原"英文
  3. "尿胃素"英文
  4. "尿污不食草地"英文
  5. "尿污毛"英文
  6. "尿戊糖"英文
  7. "尿吸收器具"英文
  8. "尿稀释"英文
  9. "尿稀释机制"英文
  10. "尿细胞"英文


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