尾: hairs on a horse's tail spik ...状: form; shape叶: leaf; foliage左: the left side; the left肝管: common hepatic duct; hepatic ...尾叶左肝管: left hepatic duct of caudate lobe尾状叶左管: left duct of caudate lobe肝尾状叶左管: ductus lobi caudati sinister尾状叶右肝管: ductus lobi caudati dexter; right caudate hepatic duct左肝管: ductus hepaticus sinister尾状叶: caudate lobe; lobus caudatus左肝管外侧支: lateral branch of left hepatic duct; ramus lateralis ductus hepatici sinistri大脑尾状叶: caudate lobe of cerebrum; insula肝尾状叶: caudate lobe of liver尾状叶动脉: arteria lobi caudati; artery of caudate lobe; artery to caudate lobe尾状叶右管: right duct of caudate lobe尾状叶支: caudal branches; caudate branches; rami caudati肝尾状叶尾突: caudate process of caudate lobe of liver肝尾状叶右管: ductus lobi caudati dexter肝尾状叶乳头突: papillary process of caudate lobe of liver范德斯皮格耳氏叶, 尾状叶: van lobe肝管: common hepatic duct; [解剖学] hepatic duct; ductus hepaticus三叶左肺: trilobed left lung副肝管: accessory hepatic duct肝管, 肝: hepatico-