

发音:   用"尾凹"造句
  • caudal fovea


        :    hairs on a horse's tail spik ...
        :    low-lying area; depression
        骶尾凹:    sacrococcygeal dimple
        驳船尾凹部:    pushing notch of barge
        叉尾凹翅燕:    fanti rough-winged swallow
        船尾凹部:    stern notch
        方尾凹翅燕:    square-tailed rough-winged swallow
        尾巴:    1.(动物身体末端突出的部分) tail 尾巴翘上了天 be very cocky; 夹起尾巴逃跑 run away with one's tail between one's legs; 夹着尾巴做人 behave oneself by tucking one's tail between one's legs; pull one's head in; 孔雀展开了它那灿烂夺目的尾巴。 the peacock spreads his splendid tail. 狗一高兴就摇尾巴。 dogs wag their tails when they are pleased.2.(尾部) tail-like part 飞机尾巴 the tail of a plane; 彗星尾巴 the tail of a comet; 为风筝装尾巴 tail a kite; 我们的汽车尾巴被撞坏了。 the rear end of our car was smashed.3.(无主见、完全随声附和的人) servile adherent; appendage 做肇事者的尾巴 tail behind a troublemaker4.(尾随者) a person shadowing sb.: 甩掉尾巴 throw off one's tail
        尾鞍:    caudal saddle
        尾巴,后部:    tail
        尾阿丽蝇:    aldrichina grahami
        尾巴长度:    tail length
        尾,尾部:    tail
        尾巴粗糙的:    roughtailed
        尾(辶+十)秀久:    otsuji hidehisa
        尾巴的把戏:    a trick of the tall
        尾6:    capgit


  1. "尾6"英文
  2. "尾(辶+十)秀久"英文
  3. "尾,尾部"英文
  4. "尾阿丽蝇"英文
  5. "尾鞍"英文
  6. "尾巴"英文
  7. "尾巴,后部"英文
  8. "尾巴长度"英文
  9. "尾巴粗糙的"英文
  10. "尾巴的把戏"英文


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