尽管: feel free to; not hesitate t ...任务: task; job困难: difficulty; difficult; hard; ...他们: they仍: remain按时: on time; on schedule完成: accomplish; complete; fulfil ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...我们肯定能按时完成任务: we can certainly have the job finished on time按时完成工作: completing task on time托赖大家的努力才能按时完成任务: thanks to your hard work we can fulfil the task on time问题是我们怎样才能按时完成任务: i will not let you ride my bicycle确保工程按时完成: responsible for ensuring projects are completed on time任务完成了: mission accomplished完成了任务: finish these tasks他们出色地完成了各项任务: they have acquitted themselves of various duties splendidly他们一发狠三天的任务一天就完成了: turn angry完成困难任务: spell baker成功地完成了任务: to be crowned with success他完成了这个任务: he has completed the task负责装配的质量,按时完成项目: responsible for the assembly quality and the completion of the projects确保操作根据时间计划按时完成。: to ensure each operation is completed in due time according to the timing plan确保每个项目根据时间计划按时完成: ensure each project is completed according to the timing plan财务困难: financial difficulties; pecuniary embarrassment纵然任务艰巨我们也要及时完成: we will manage to accomplish the task in time even though it is difficult