Mrs. youse was carrying a valuable sapphire ring wrapped in a handkerchief in her purse . 尤斯太太拿的手提包内放着一只裹在手帕里的贵重蓝宝石戒指。
The motive that urged them both so soon to go against the hurons, was an habitual contempt of their enemy . 他们两人这么快就向赫尤斯发起进攻,是因为他们一贯蔑视他们的敌人。
I looked into the water, and there, mirrored upon its placid surface, was the silhouette of ustane's stately face . 我往水里看去。平静的水面上映现出尤斯坦端庄的面孔的侧影。
Accordingly i went, only to find job and ustane in an excess of grief, declaring that leo was in the throes of death . 我受命前往,只看到乔布和尤斯坦痛苦万分,他们说利奥正在作临终前的挣扎。
Ustane, by the way, was also blindfolded, i do not know why, unless it was from fear lest she should impart the secrets of the route to us . 顺便提一句,不知道为什么尤斯坦也被蒙上了眼睛,大概是怕她会把秘密路线泄露给我们吧。