

  • sharspike
  • 尖锐:    pointed and sharp; acute qui ...
  • 爪子:    claw; paw; talon
  • 爪子:    [口语] claw; paw; talon 猫爪子 a cat's paws; 鹰爪子 eagle's talons
  • 尖锐:    1.(锋利) sharp-pointed; keen 像刺刀一样的尖锐 as keen as razors2.(深刻; 敏锐) penetrating; incisive; sharp; keen 尖锐的批评 incisive [sharp] criticism; 尖锐地指出 point out sharply; 他看问题很尖锐。 he sees things with a keen eye.3.(声音高而刺耳) shrill; piercing 尖锐的汽笛声 shrill whistle4.(激烈) intense; acute; sharp 尖锐的思想斗争 sharp mental conflicts; 尖锐对立 be diametrically opposed to each other; 尖锐矛盾 violent [fierce] contradiction; 这些话讲得尖锐, 但值得考虑。 these remarks are quite sharp, but worth consideration.; 尖锐化 sharpen; intensify; become more acute; 尖锐性 acuteness
  • 猛禽的锐爪:    talon


        尖锐:    pointed and sharp; acute qui ...
        爪子:    claw; paw; talon
        爪子:    [口语] claw; paw; talon 猫爪子 a cat's paws; 鹰爪子 eagle's talons
        尖锐:    1.(锋利) sharp-pointed; keen 像刺刀一样的尖锐 as keen as razors2.(深刻; 敏锐) penetrating; incisive; sharp; keen 尖锐的批评 incisive [sharp] criticism; 尖锐地指出 point out sharply; 他看问题很尖锐。 he sees things with a keen eye.3.(声音高而刺耳) shrill; piercing 尖锐的汽笛声 shrill whistle4.(激烈) intense; acute; sharp 尖锐的思想斗争 sharp mental conflicts; 尖锐对立 be diametrically opposed to each other; 尖锐矛盾 violent [fierce] contradiction; 这些话讲得尖锐, 但值得考虑。 these remarks are quite sharp, but worth consideration.; 尖锐化 sharpen; intensify; become more acute; 尖锐性 acuteness
        猛禽的锐爪:    talon
        锐爪拉钩:    retractor with sharp prongs
        白爪子:    pei tun tze; pei-tun-tze
        狗爪子:    a dog's paw
        红爪子:    the scarlet ciaw
        脚爪,爪子:    paw
        猫爪子:    a cat's paws
        鹰爪子:    eagle's talons
        指甲,爪子:    nail
        爪,爪子:    paw
        爪子,足:    patte n.f
        锋利的爪子:    sharp paws
        猫用爪子抓:    the cat scratches with her claws
        猫爪子菜:    thalictrum thunbergii
        拍爪子,宠物:    padfoot
        三爪子宫钳:    uterine with three prongs
        温暖的爪子:    heart is; maeumi
        牙齿和爪子:    tooth and claw
        岩心爪子:    core snatcher
        制动爪子:    holding detent
        爪子扶正阀:    crowfoot guided valve


  1. "尖锐突起"英文
  2. "尖锐性"英文
  3. "尖锐胸痛"英文
  4. "尖锐圆锥头"英文
  5. "尖锐之"英文
  6. "尖锐疣"英文
  7. "尖塞插口"英文
  8. "尖塞导体"英文
  9. "尖塞电缆"英文
  10. "尖塞和振铃导体"英文


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