

[ shàoláo ] 发音:   "少牢"的汉语解释   用"少牢"造句


        :    young
        少雷区:    less thunderstorm region
        少劳少得:    less pay for less work
        少棱圆鲱属:    dayella
        少来这一套:    knock it off
        少冷河:    shaoleng he
        少来这套:    don t give me that
        少理:    fine cutaneous wrinkles
        少空谈,多正言:    fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours
        少量:    a small amount; a little; a few; fleabite; touch; taste; smack; snap; scantling; dram 一顿备有少量葡萄酒的便饭 a simple meal with a modicum of wine
        少刻:    after a little while; a moment later


        少牢的韩语:[명사]【문어】 소뢰. (나라에서) 제사지낼 때, 제물로 바치는 양과 돼지. =[中zhōng牢] →[太tài牢(1)]
        少牢的俄语:pinyin:shàoláo * мелкий жертвенный скот (напр. бараны, свиньи)
        少牢什么意思:shàoláo [offer sacrifice to gods with hogs and sheep] 古代祭祀用羊和猪做祭品称少牢 其后用兵,则遣从事以一少牢告庙,请其矢。――《新五代史·伶官传·序》


  1. "少刻"英文
  2. "少空谈,多正言"英文
  3. "少来这套"英文
  4. "少来这一套"英文
  5. "少劳少得"英文
  6. "少雷区"英文
  7. "少棱圆鲱属"英文
  8. "少冷河"英文
  9. "少理"英文
  10. "少量"英文


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