Senate minority leader harry reid and house minority leader nancy pelosi have also joined in calling reported details of key scenes false and misleading 两院少数党领袖也形容该剧的一些关键情节是虚假的和具有误导性的。
White house chief of staff josh bolten is to meet with senate majority leader harry reid and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell thursday 白宫办公厅主任博尔顿星期四与参议院多数党领袖里德和少数党领袖麦康奈尔会面。
Even mitch mcconnell , the senate minority leader and a bush supporter , warned that the iraqi government had very little time to turn things around 甚至参议院少数党领袖,布什的支持者米奇?麦康奈尔也警告道,对于伊拉克政府来说,要让一切走上正轨的时间已经是微乎其微。
Mr ford , after 13 terms as a congressman , had risen to become a popular minority leader in the house , with no ambitions but to be speaker one day if control swung back to the republicans 于是当了13届国会议员的他,迅速成为众议院少数党领袖,如果共和党某天能够重掌大权,他除了想当众议院新闻发言人以外,便没有任何奢望了。
少数: small number; few; minority党: political party; party领袖: leader参议院少数党领袖: minority leader of the senate; senate minority leader众议院少数党领袖: house minority leader; minority leader of the house多数党领袖: majority leader参议院多数党领袖: majority leader of the senate; senate majority leader参院多数党领袖: tom daschle众议院多数党领袖: house majority leader; majority leader of the house参院多数党领袖傅利斯: bill frist少数党: minor party; minority少数党政府: minority government反对党领袖: leader of opposition; leader of the opposition英保守党领袖: iain duncan smith爱尔兰反对党领袖: leader of the opposition共和党领袖博纳: john boehner共和党领袖罗特: trent lott孟加拉反对党领袖: sheikh hasina参议院少数党督导员: minority whip of the senate; senate minority whip众议院少数党督导员: house minority whip; minority whip of the house北爱新芬党领袖阿当斯: gerry adams翁山淑枝(缅甸反对党领袖): aung san suu kyi象牙海岸反对党领袖: alassane dramane ouattara众议院少数派领袖博纳: john boehner你那省的反对党领袖是什么名字: what is the name of the leader of the opposition in your province