少年: early youth juvenile; young ...悍: brave; bold将: ask; appeal for少年悍: teen titans (tv series)悍将: dragonforce; expect no mercy; spacehackfbi悍将: fugitive rage少年: 1.(人从10岁至16岁的阶段) early youth2.(10岁至16岁的人) juvenile; young person; teen-age youths◇少年单打 boys' and girls' singles; 少年读物 juvenile books; books for young people; 少年法庭 juvenile court; children's court; 少年工作 work among children; 少年宫 children's palace; 少年管教 juvenile supervision and education; 少年图书馆 junior library; 少年先锋队 young pioneers; 少年业余体校 children's sparetime sports school; 少年营 children's camp; 少年运动员 juvenile athlete; 少年之家 children's centre; children's club747绝地悍将: executive decision冰上悍将: pride超时空悍将: cyber vengeance超速悍将: bounty tracker城市悍将: city of fear赤胆悍将: two for texas催眠悍将: ripper man刀锋悍将: blade squad; the immortal电光悍将: expect no mercy悍将情仇: viper黑帮悍将: bound by honor极地悍将: glory &骄兵悍将: unruly commander and soldiers惊天悍将: airborne绝地悍将: space hack; the rainbow warrior冷血悍将: ronin烈火悍将: fire down below; heat龙虎悍将: gunshy