- james bond jr
- 少年: early youth juvenile; young ...
- 庞: huge innumerable and disorde ...
- 德: virtue; morals; moral charac ...
- 庞德: ezra pound; pang de; pd; ponder; pound
- 少年: 1.(人从10岁至16岁的阶段) early youth2.(10岁至16岁的人) juvenile; young person; teen-age youths◇少年单打 boys' and girls' singles; 少年读物 juvenile books; books for young people; 少年法庭 juvenile court; children's court; 少年工作 work among children; 少年宫 children's palace; 少年管教 juvenile supervision and education; 少年图书馆 junior library; 少年先锋队 young pioneers; 少年业余体校 children's sparetime sports school; 少年营 children's camp; 少年运动员 juvenile athlete; 少年之家 children's centre; children's club