Report on the healthy tuckshop movement for primary schools 1999 - 2001 健康小食部活动1999 - 2001报告只备英文版
The canteen serves mainly chinese meals , refreshments and snacks are available at the snack bar 营内饭堂供应中式小菜,营友亦可在小食部购买饮品及小食。
It never occurred to me that the proprietorship of the tuck shop would be transferred and i would lose my job 唉,谁会想到两年前小食部的经营权易手,令我失去工作。
It never occurred to me that the proprietorship of the tuck shop would be transferred and i would lose my job 唉,谁会想到两年前小食部的经营权易手,令我失去工作。
A workman of a secondary school was fined 4 , 000 for stealing travel coupons valued at 1 , 800 given by a supplier of soft drinks to the school s tuck shop 一名中学工人,偷取汽水供应商给与学校小食部总值一千八百元的旅行礼券,被判罚款四千元。