

  • s.d. small damage
  • 小量:    a little; speck; tate
  • 损坏:    damage; breakdown; injure; s ...
  • 小量:    a little; speck; [英方] tate◇小量生产 low-production; short-run production
  • 损坏:    damage; breakdown; injure; spoil; break; spoilage; failing; failure; conkout; dysfunction; worsement out of order; vitiate 损坏财物 damage to property; 损坏名声 damage one's good name; 如有损坏, 照价赔偿 pay the full price for anything damaged; 他们拒绝收损坏的货物。 they rejected the damaged goods.; 损坏程度 damaged condition; 损坏调查 damage survey; 损坏率 spoilage; 损坏阈 damage threshold; 损坏原因 source of damage; 损坏者 blemisher
  • 极小量:    infinitesimal; iota; minimum dose, minimal dose; smidgen; smidgeon


        小量:    a little; speck; tate
        损坏:    damage; breakdown; injure; s ...
        小量:    a little; speck; [英方] tate◇小量生产 low-production; short-run production
        损坏:    damage; breakdown; injure; spoil; break; spoilage; failing; failure; conkout; dysfunction; worsement out of order; vitiate 损坏财物 damage to property; 损坏名声 damage one's good name; 如有损坏, 照价赔偿 pay the full price for anything damaged; 他们拒绝收损坏的货物。 they rejected the damaged goods.; 损坏程度 damaged condition; 损坏调查 damage survey; 损坏率 spoilage; 损坏阈 damage threshold; 损坏原因 source of damage; 损坏者 blemisher
        极小量:    infinitesimal; iota; minimum dose, minimal dose; smidgen; smidgeon
        减小量:    decrease
        韭花(小量):    chinese chive flower
        缩小量:    amount of this reduction
        小量的:    low-volume
        小量地:    in small quantities
        小量器:    dvige dvi^l
        最小量:    c.minimum; minimal dose; minimum flow
        日最小量:    daily minimum
        容许缩小量:    permissible restriction
        无穷小量:    infinitely small quantity
        小量冰水法:    small dose ice water test
        小量程仪表:    minimum meter
        小量充电:    trickle charge
        小量拉伸:    shallow draught
        小量冷水法:    small dose cold water test
        小量漏泄保:    small leak protection system
        小量染纱:    yarn liquoring
        小量生产:    limited production; short run production; short-range run; short-run production; small scale production; small volume production
        小量试验:    small scale test
        小量偷盗:    theft and pilferage


  1. "小量漏泄保"英文
  2. "小量器"英文
  3. "小量染纱"英文
  4. "小量生产"英文
  5. "小量试验"英文
  6. "小量同位素核监督技术"英文
  7. "小量偷盗"英文
  8. "小量土地持有者, 小农"英文
  9. "小量危险品限额"英文
  10. "小量样品的爆震率"英文


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