

发音:   用"小说美学"造句
  • aeethetics of fiction
  • 小说:    novel; fiction; story
  • 美学:    aesthetics
  • 美学:    aesthetics◇美学传统 aesthetic tradition; 美学范畴 aesthetic category; 美学观点 aesthetic view point; 美学价值 aesthetic values; 美学教育 aesthetic education; 美学理论 aesthetic theory; 美学史 history of aesthetics; 美学思想 aesthetic ideology; 美学原理 aesthetic principles
  • 美学,审美学:    aesthetics
  • 美学的:    aestheticalesthetical; asthetic; esthetical


  1. An aesthetic study of fictions in the late qing dynasty
  2. On the aesthetics system in jin sheng - tan s novels
  3. The book not only possesses a series of modern , forward - looking themes but also uses a lot of new , original techniques of creation , which melts tradition , modernism and post - modernism in one furnace and achieves a unique effect on plot structure , narrative viewpoint and literary style , thus setting up a model for the combination of inheritance and innovation


        小说:    novel; fiction; story
        美学:    aesthetics
        美学:    aesthetics◇美学传统 aesthetic tradition; 美学范畴 aesthetic category; 美学观点 aesthetic view point; 美学价值 aesthetic values; 美学教育 aesthetic education; 美学理论 aesthetic theory; 美学史 history of aesthetics; 美学思想 aesthetic ideology; 美学原理 aesthetic principles
        小说:    novel; fiction; story 武侠小说 chivalrous story; 侦探小说 detective [mystery] novel; 淫秽小说 hot [naughty; sex; sexy] novel; 长篇小说 novel; 中篇小说 medium-length novel; novelette; 短篇小说 short story; 小说家 storywriter; novelist; writer of fiction
        美学,审美学:    aesthetics
        美学的:    aestheticalesthetical; asthetic; esthetical
        美学家:    aestheticianesthetician; esthetician
        美学上:    aestheticallyesthetically; esthetically
        美学史:    history of aesthetics
        审美学:    aesthetics
        bbc美国来鸿-话说美利坚:    letter from america
        比较美学:    comparative aesthetics
        城市美学:    urban aesthetics
        电影美学:    aesthetics of cinema; cinema aesthetics
        动漫新美学:    the neo-aesthetics of animamix
        翻译美学:    translation /al aesthetics
        非美学森会:    african american students association
        分析美学:    analytical esthetics
        公路美学:    highway aesthetics; motorway aesthetics
        护理美学:    nursing aesthetics
        集美学村:    jimei university
        技术美学:    technological aesthetics; technology aesthetics
        建筑美学:    the aesthetics of architecture
        教育美学:    educational aesthetics
        接受美学:    aesthetics of reception; reception aesthetics


  1. "小说类型"英文
  2. "小说理论研究"英文
  3. "小说里的巨人"英文
  4. "小说连载"英文
  5. "小说流派研究"英文
  6. "小说面面观"英文
  7. "小说评论"英文
  8. "小说全集"英文
  9. "小说人生"英文
  10. "小说三部曲"英文


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