小数: decimal; small number; decim ...位数: digit capacity; order of uni ...递增: increase progressively; incr ...小数位数递减: decrease decimal小数位数: decimal digits; number of decimal places十进制小数位数: decimal places小数位: decimal place小数的位数: place小数点位数: decimalplaces; scale attributes固定小数位: fixed decimal places八进位数位: octal digit低位数位: low order digit; low-order digit高位数位: left-hand digit进位数位: carry digit十进位数位: tens digit一位数位置: digit place最高位数位: high order digit十进位数小数: decimal number前位进位数位: previous carry digit; previous-carry digit数位递增绘图器: plotter xy八进位数字 八进制数位: octaldigit等价二进制数位位数: number of equivalent binary digits小数: [数学] decimal (number); small number; decimal fraction递增: increase progressively; increase by degrees 人口的递增 a progressive increase in population; 产量与年递增。 the output increases progressively with years. 这所大学的注册人数比去年递增了10%。 the registration of the university shows an increase of 10 percent over last year.; 递增费用 progressive charges; 递增付款 progressive payment; 递增函数 increasing function; 递增序列 [数学] increasing sequence; ascending series小数位 可在任何显示数字之间: decimal point