A flurry of wind upset the small sailboat . 一阵风吹翻了小帆船。
He discerned a small vessel crowding all sail towards monte-cristo . 他看见有一艘小帆船扯起了所有的帆向基度山驶来。
The little sailing vessel rolled and swung down the center of the passage between the jagged rows of greengrey rocks . 小帆船翻滚起伏在犬牙交错的灰绿色礁石中间的水道里。
I leaned despairingly over the rail, watching the trim little schooner swiftly increasing the bleak sweep of ocean between us . 我颓丧地靠着船栏,看那整洁的小帆船迅速地在扩大我们之间的一块苍凉的海面。
The yacht made good progress with a following wind 那小帆船顺风行驶得很快