To rationally evaluate the effect of various forests on microclimate , we must consider the differences caused by factors as mentioned above 要正确评价不同森林类型改善小气候功能的强弱,必须准确区分开海拔高度、小地形、植被类型等各因素造成的差异,才能得出比较可靠的结论。
It is found that the mesoscale mountain has significant influence on the location and intensity of the heavy rain area , and the bell - mouthed area and the riverway area of xichang are favorable to the occurrence and development of mesoscale disturbance and heavy rain 地形梯度分析表明,西昌地区所处的河谷地形和场区所处喇叭口小地形,有利于中小尺度气压扰动的发生、发展和暴雨的产生,当地形梯度减弱时,降水量相应减弱。