The university seeks all these , as an academic community , through the exercise of the functions proper to a university , that is , through teaching , research and service to the community 所有的学校所追求的,作为一个学术的机构,通过学校日常的工作来实现,即通过教学研究和小区服务
小区: village; a housing estate服务: give service to; be in the s ...地区服务部: regional services department郊区服务点: outlying service point扩充区服务: extended area service社区服务: community services; community-level services社区服务局: office of community services社区服务卡: community services card社区服务令: the community service order社区服务税: community service fee社区服务网: community lan; community service network美国社区服务: american residential services社区服务网络: csnet community service nerwork社区服务员工: community developmental services worker社区服务中心: community service center市郊区服务业: suburban service服务小区: serving cell地区服务经理助理: assistant district service manager国民社区服务队: american c; corporation of national and community service; domestic peace corps家庭与社区服务: family and community services青少年及社区服务: youth and community services小区住宿服务: community residence service国家和社区服务公司: corporation for national and community service机场禁区服务专营权: airside franchise天主教会社会教区服务处: social pastoral service of the catholic church