小偷: thief; petty thief; sneak th ...是: Semantics从: follow窗户: window; casement进来: in的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...从窗户进入: get in the window从窗户进入房间: get into the room through the window从窗户那移开: moved away from the window进来的: incoming; ingoing他是从一个秘密入口处进来的: he entered by a secret entrance打进来的电话: incoming telephone calls带进来的杂草: imported weed跳进来的新娘: perfect specimen你是从哪里来的: where are you from他是从国外聘来的: he was engaged from abroad他是从国外请来的: he was engaged from abroad. entertain快关窗户别让雨点潲进来: close the window quickly lest the raindrops slant in. sprinkle阳光透过窗户照进来: let out月光透过窗户射了进来: the moonlight streamed in through the window. allude to sth. or sb侧面射进来的光线: sidelight当老板进来的时候: they sto ed talking when their bo came in; they stopped talking when their boss came in交换进来的票据: in-clearing交换进来的项目: in-clearing items不是 我是从希腊来来的: no, i'm from greece