小人 (): ai no wakakusa monogatari打小人: villain hitting小人;男孩: laddie小人参: glabrousleaf asiabell root小人大: kotoo小人儿: little people小人国: lilliputian; lilliput小人书: [口语] picture-story book小人物: an unimportant person; a nobody; cipher; nonentity; a small potato远小人: keaway from the mean and selfish characters(小土豆)小人物: small potato卑鄙小人: a yellow dog; dirty dog; small person; yellow dog地小人多: have a large population in a small area黄土小人: kinnehen滥伍小人: go about with low-down people碌碌小人: a rough and mean fellow -- a paltry man梦游小人国: darby o'gill and the little people魔幻小人国: land of the little people势利小人: snob市井小人: a mean fellow of the marketplace; philistine; gigmanity先小人,后君子: specify terms clearly at first and use a good deal of courtesy later小人得势: the tail wags the dog.; it is a case of unscrupulous elements coming into power小人得志: a small man intoxicated by success; a small man having greatness thrust upon him; it is a case of scoundrel realizing his ambition.; villains holding sway小人国传奇: gulliver's travels小仁所: konidokoro小热点: small hot spots
小人的法语:名 1.<旧>homme du peuple;gens du commun 2.homme méprisable;homme vil;homme sans principe~得志cas d'une personne vile qui a réalisé ses desseins小人的日语:(?君子 jūnzǐ )人徳が高くない人.器量が小さい人.凡人.小人.(転じて)地位が低い人の自称.私め.▼庶民が官吏に対して用いる. 小人得志 dézhì /つまらない人がよい地位についていること. 以小人之心度 duó 君子之腹 fù /小人の心をもって君子の心を推し量る.小人的韩语:[명사] (1)(춘추 전국 시대의) 노예. (2)서민. 평민. (3)【겸양】 소인. [남이나 귀한 윗사람에 대한 자기의 겸칭] =[小的(1)] [小底(1)] (4)소인. 인격이 낮은 사람. 小人气人有, 笑人无; 소인은 남이 가지고 있으면 배 아파하고, 남이 안 가지고 있으면 비웃는다 小人得志; 【성어】 소인이 뜻을 이루어 득세하다 远君子...小人的俄语:[xiǎnrén] низкий [подлый] человек小人什么意思:xiǎorén ①古代指地位低的人,后来地位低的人也用于自称。 ②指人格卑鄙的人:~得志│势利~。