The optimization of fiber placement paths for composite around - parts is studied , and a triangle algorithm is presented which is easy to implement and can be used for the path generation of free form surface - parts . tow width control and shaping error control are also studied 4 .提出了用于封闭壳体构件的纤维铺放轨迹规划的三角形法,具有通用性强、计算简便的特点;并讨论了纤维铺放的成形精度与丝宽控制方法。
The frame radiated noise is one of the major noise resources of rotary machines , especially for gear case which has close shell and vibrating screen which works in vibrating ways , the frame radiated noise energy account for more than 90 % of total sound energy . so if we could not successfully resolve the problem , the noise of rotary machines would never be effectively controlled 结构噪声是旋转机械的主要噪声源之一,尤其是对于如齿轮箱这类具有封闭壳体的机械和如振动筛这类以振动为主要工作方式的机械,结构振动辐射声能占总声能的比例甚至可以达到90 95 ,因此不解决结构噪声问题旋转机械噪声就不能得到有效的控制。