On this special occasion , mr . barron arranged for the pasadena boys choir to perform five songs dedicated to supreme master ching hai . mr . barron then expressed his thoughts on the " one world . of peace through music " concert and supreme master ching hai in an interview 由于此次访问时间适逢母亲节与师父寿诞前夕,拜伦先生希望能藉此机会,向清海无上师献上最温馨的祝福,并表达他对和平之音四海一心这场音乐会以及对清海无上师的观感。
However , december 5 and 6 were doubly auspicious days for them because not only was it the king s birthday but also master visited the mountain area to distribute essential items to make the winter months more bearable the winter temperatures in the mountain areas of northern thailand can be as low as 5 degrees celsius 然而十二月五日六日却是他们双喜临门的好日子,欣逢泰皇寿诞,师父也驾临山区探访,并发放民生必需物资,以备他们度过严冬泰北山区冬季温度低达摄氏五度。
The danger is greatest for men , whose risk of an attack is 82 per cent higher compared with 66 per cent for women . the study , among 521 stroke patients in auckland , new zealand , also found that smokers are up to six times more likely to have a stroke than people who have not smoked for more than ten years . the stroke association said the report by the university of auckland made existing concerns about the link between smoking and strokes even more worrisome 1999年7月底,泰国素食联盟会vegetarian federation of thailand首次在一家百货公司主办素食展览会,主要的目的是要让大家一起修持福德以祝贺国王陛下72岁寿诞,提倡在佛教守夏节三个月间不吃肉类食品,让大家发挥仁慈博爱之心,也让大家了解吃素对世界家庭和自己本人的益处。