寻找: seek; look for; search; sear ...神秘: mysterious; mystical咒: incantation文: character; script; writing你能否跑到森林中寻找神秘松树的痕迹: come run the hidden pine trails of the forestbbc 寻找神话和英雄: bbc in search of myths and heroes咒文: abracadabra; charm; conjuration; paternoster从天然产物中寻找神经生长因子诱导剂: the nerve growth factor induces from natural products咒文线: rune thread神秘: mysterious; mystical 神秘人物 a mysterious person; a person shrouded in mystery; 把某事搞得神秘化 make a mystery of sth.; 不可测知的神秘事物 an impenetrable mystery; 她的身世中有一个神秘之处。 there was a mystery hanging over her antecedents.; 神秘感 mystique; 神秘观念 mystery; solemn wonder; 神秘化 make a mystery of; 神秘性 mysteriousness; mystery; 神秘主义 mysticism矩阵的秘密-寻找操纵世界的神秘力量: david icke - secrets of the matrix寻找: seek; look for; search; searching; finding; tracing; location; pathfinding; hunting 寻找失物 look for sth. lost; 寻找新的水源 search for new water sources; 寻找时间 seek time; 寻找新的线索 cast about for fresh clues; 寻找油田 hunt for oilfields 低级咒文曲: lesser spellsong高级咒文曲: greater spellsong解析咒文: analyze dweomer f驱病咒文: abracadabra以咒文召唤: conjure变戏法的咒文: hocus-pocus主祷文, 咒文, 念珠状物: paternoster神秘,秘密: mystery神秘4A: mystere iv 4神秘村: the village神秘刀: knife o' silenus神秘岛: ages of myst; mysterious island; the island神秘的: 40) mysterious; arcane; cryptical; esoteric; geheimnisvoll adj; mysterious - scrutable; mystical; occult; secret; uncanny; unearthly; unsearchable