密探: secret agent; spy组: group季: season寻人密探组第五季: withoutatraceseason5寻人密探组: without a trace; withoutatrace寻人密探: withoutatrace寻人: find a person; people finder; people search; peoplesearch密探: secret agent; spy; stool pigeon; undercover man; narc; nark 派密探监视 set spies after; 警方密探 a police spy; 那个共产党员受到密探的盯梢。 the communist is shadowed by spies24小时第6季: 24 hours season 6x档案第6季: the x files season 6白宫风云第6季: the west wing season 6超人前传第6季: smallville season 6黑道家族第6季: the sopranos season 6吉尔莫女孩第6季: gilmore girls season 6极速前进第6季: the amazing race season 6美国偶像第6季: american idol season 6星际之门第6季: stargate sg-1 season 6欲望都市第6季: sex and the city season 6捉鬼者巴菲第6季: buffy the vampire slayer season 6犯罪现场调查第6季: csi: crime scene investigation season 6急诊室的故事第6季: er season 6人人都爱雷蒙德第6季: everybody loves raymond season 6密探;间谍: spy季: Ⅰ名词1.(三个月的气候期) season 春季 spring; springtime; 一年四季 the four seasons of the year; all the year round2.(季节) season 淡[旺] 季 dull [busy] season; 西瓜季 season for watermelons; 雨季 rainy [wet] season3.(指一个时期的末了) the end of an epoch 清季 the end of the qing dynasty4.(一季的末一个月) the last month of a season 季春 the last month of spring5.(在兄弟排行里代表第四或最小的; 次序在末的) the fourth or youngest among brothers 季弟 the fourth or youngest brother6.(姓氏) a surname 季布 ji buⅡ量词(用于种植次数) the yield of a product in one season; crop 由种一季改为种两季 reap two crops a year instead of one全美超级模特新秀大赛第6季: america's next top model season 6