对: answer; reply领: neck合: ge,a unit of dry measure for ...双对领合湖: dimictic lake湍领合: turbulent mixing; turbulentmixing绝对领先: clear abead; clear ahead绝对领域: zettai ryoiki你说得对领教领教: you're quite right thanks for your advice. ask advice我们对领袖的忠诚: our devotion to our leader党对军队的绝对领导: party's absolute leadership over the army党对军队绝对领导的根本原则: the fundamental principle of the party exercising absolute leadershi over the armed forces; the fundamental principle of the party exercising absolute leadership over the armed forces对另外一些学生来说: sometimes teachers use a combination of these methods in class对陵: convective rain对令状的发出作确认: acknowledge the issue of the writ对羚流运羚流: electric convection current对硫代甲酚: parathiocresol对羚流: convection current对硫磷: alkron parathion e605; parathion (有机磷杀虫剂, 也叫“一六○五”)对羚疗: convection current modulation对硫磷,对硫酮,硝苯硫磷酯: snp对伶温: convective inversion