- image impedance br>
- 对象: target; object
- 阻抗: impedance
- 镜象阻抗: image impedance
- 阻抗: [电学] impedance 反射阻抗 reflected impedance; 阻抗变换器 impedance transformer; 阻抗计 [电工] electrical impedance meter; impedancemeter; impedometer; 阻抗匹配 impedance match; impedance matching; 阻抗器 impedor
- 对象: 1.(目标) target; object 革命对象 target of the revolution; 批评的对象 the target of criticism; 研究对象 object of study; 他的古怪使他成为他们取笑的对象。 his crazy ideas made him the target of their jokes.2.(恋爱的对方) boyfriend; girl friend; marriage partner; match; prospective spouse; the target of one's love; fiancé or fiancée 找对象 look for a partner in marriage; 到处为她儿子物色对象 look round for a suitable match for her son; 对象参数 image parameter; 对象方程 plant equation; 对象关系 [心理学] object relationship; 对象数字模型 mathematical model of controlled plant; 对象语言 object language; 对象阻抗 image impedance