

  • counter relief
  • 对立:    oppose; set sth. against; be ...
  • 浮雕:    relief; rilievo; cameo; ench ...
  • 对立:    oppose; set sth. against; be antagonistic to; counterpose; contrasting 互相对立的意见 opinions opposite to each other; 两人之间的对立 the antagonism between the two men; 唯心论和唯物论是对立的。 idealism is opposite to materialism.; 对立词义 enantiosemy; 对立概念 opposite concept; 对立关系 antagonistic relations; 对立假设 alternative hypothsis; 对立垄断 bilateral monopoly; 对立情绪 antagonism; 对立物 antithesis; opposite; 对立形质 alleles (等位基因); 对立组 contrary class
  • 浮雕:    relief (sculpture); rilievo; cameo; enchase; boss; phalera 浮雕木刻 wooden carvings in relief; 浮雕群像 a relief sculpture of a group of people
  • 独立浮动时间:    independent float


        对立:    oppose; set sth. against; be ...
        浮雕:    relief; rilievo; cameo; ench ...
        对立:    oppose; set sth. against; be antagonistic to; counterpose; contrasting 互相对立的意见 opinions opposite to each other; 两人之间的对立 the antagonism between the two men; 唯心论和唯物论是对立的。 idealism is opposite to materialism.; 对立词义 enantiosemy; 对立概念 opposite concept; 对立关系 antagonistic relations; 对立假设 alternative hypothsis; 对立垄断 bilateral monopoly; 对立情绪 antagonism; 对立物 antithesis; opposite; 对立形质 alleles (等位基因); 对立组 contrary class
        浮雕:    relief (sculpture); rilievo; cameo; enchase; boss; phalera 浮雕木刻 wooden carvings in relief; 浮雕群像 a relief sculpture of a group of people
        独立浮动时间:    independent float
        独立浮体系统:    individual floatation system
        对立;相对:    antithesis
        对立的:    antagonistic; antilogous; antithetical; counter; diametrical; facing; opponent; opposite
        对立面:    [哲学] opposite; antithesis; opposite sides 矛盾着的对立面 the opposites in a contradiction
        对立物:    antithing; opposite
        对立性:    antagonism; contrariety
        对立者:    antagonist
        对立组:    contrary class
        开球, 对立:    face-off
        使对立:    counterpose; oppose
        相对立:    contrast; encounter
        凹浮雕:    intaglio rilevato
        半浮雕:    demirelief; demirelievo; mezzo relievo; mezzo-relievo
        低浮雕:    bas relief; basrelief; low relief
        浮雕刀:    relief carving knife
        浮雕的:    anaglyphic; anaglyptic; embossed; empaistic; raised; relief
        浮雕蜡:    embo ed candle; embossed candle
        浮雕片:    embossing film
        浮雕品:    relievo
        浮雕瓶:    embo ing flask; embossing flask; embossingflask


  1. "对立的统一"英文
  2. "对立的性质"英文
  3. "对立的一方"英文
  4. "对立等位基因"英文
  5. "对立分布"英文
  6. "对立概念"英文
  7. "对立关系"英文
  8. "对立观念"英文
  9. "对立过程说"英文
  10. "对立基因"英文


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