

  • alternative variation
  • 对立:    oppose; set sth. against; be ...
  • 变异:    heteromorphosis; variation; ...
  • 独立变异:    autoheterosis
  • 对立:    oppose; set sth. against; be antagonistic to; counterpose; contrasting 互相对立的意见 opinions opposite to each other; 两人之间的对立 the antagonism between the two men; 唯心论和唯物论是对立的。 idealism is opposite to materialism.; 对立词义 enantiosemy; 对立概念 opposite concept; 对立关系 antagonistic relations; 对立假设 alternative hypothsis; 对立垄断 bilateral monopoly; 对立情绪 antagonism; 对立物 antithesis; opposite; 对立形质 alleles (等位基因); 对立组 contrary class
  • 变异:    [生物学] (同种生物间的性状差异) heteromorphosis; variation; metamorphosis; dissociation◇变异比 variance ratio; 变异点 change point; 变异性 [生; 统] variability; deviancy


        对立:    oppose; set sth. against; be ...
        变异:    heteromorphosis; variation; ...
        独立变异:    autoheterosis
        对立:    oppose; set sth. against; be antagonistic to; counterpose; contrasting 互相对立的意见 opinions opposite to each other; 两人之间的对立 the antagonism between the two men; 唯心论和唯物论是对立的。 idealism is opposite to materialism.; 对立词义 enantiosemy; 对立概念 opposite concept; 对立关系 antagonistic relations; 对立假设 alternative hypothsis; 对立垄断 bilateral monopoly; 对立情绪 antagonism; 对立物 antithesis; opposite; 对立形质 alleles (等位基因); 对立组 contrary class
        变异:    [生物学] (同种生物间的性状差异) heteromorphosis; variation; metamorphosis; dissociation◇变异比 variance ratio; 变异点 change point; 变异性 [生; 统] variability; deviancy
        独立变量:    autonomous variable; iindependentvariables; independent variables
        独立变数:    argument; independent variable
        独立变址:    independent indexing
        联立变数:    simultaneous variables
        对立;相对:    antithesis
        对立的:    antagonistic; antilogous; antithetical; counter; diametrical; facing; opponent; opposite
        对立面:    [哲学] opposite; antithesis; opposite sides 矛盾着的对立面 the opposites in a contradiction
        对立物:    antithing; opposite
        对立性:    antagonism; contrariety
        对立者:    antagonist
        对立组:    contrary class
        开球, 对立:    face-off
        使对立:    counterpose; oppose
        相对立:    contrast; encounter
        独立变化假设:    assumption of independent variation
        独立变址机构:    independent indexing mechanism
        独立变质作用:    free metamorphism
        可控独立变数:    independent controlled variable
        相互独立变数:    mutually independent variables
        对立成分, 对立特征:    contrastive feature


  1. "对历史事实的歪曲"英文
  2. "对例外情况的附加条款"英文
  3. "对痢暖"英文
  4. "对立"英文
  5. "对立;相对"英文
  6. "对立成分, 对立特征"英文
  7. "对立词义"英文
  8. "对立单位之比"英文
  9. "对立的"英文
  10. "对立的,对面的"英文


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