对: answer; reply指定: appoint; assign; allocate; a ...国家: country; state; nation文化: civilization; culture财产目录: a list of properties table o ...提供援助: give aid; provide assistance保护阿拉伯国家文化财产区域中心: regional centre for the preservation of cultural property in the arab states提供援助: delivery of assistance财产目录: catalog of property; inventory list; inventory of the property; list of property; property inventory; property list盘存;财产目录: goods on hand财产总目录;财产目录: general inventory存货;盘存;财产目录: inventory; stock on hand归还文化财产: restitution of cultural property送回文化财产: return of cultural property财产目录, 存货目录: stock inventory财产目录, 财产盘存: property inventory信息目录提供者: information directory providers提供援助的机构: aid giving agency向灾民提供援助: render helto disaster victims指定国家机构: designated national agency帐户和财产目录科: accounts and inventories section国家文化局长: director of the national culture国家文化中心: national cultural center英语国家文化: culture of english spoken countries国家矿产目录文件: national mineral inventory file