对: answer; reply儿童: children的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...监护: guardianship; tutelage对儿童的控制: over children奥修对儿童的观察: osho’s observations on children电视对儿童的影响: tv effect on kids对儿童的暴力行为: violence against children针对儿童的音乐: music for little people对儿童的虐待〔尤指性虐待〕。: child abuse对儿童的商业性剥削: commercial sexual exploitation of children武装冲突对儿童的影响: impact of armed conflict on children针对儿童的“高能素质”计划: megaskills'for children欧洲武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商: regional consultation on the impact of armed conflict on children in europe亚太武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商: regional consultation on the impact of armed conflict on children in asia and the pacific阿拉伯区域武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商: regional consultation on the impact of armed conflict on children in the arab region儿童的教育: the education of children儿童的世纪: the century of the child儿童的心理: the children's psychology方便儿童的: child-friendly对妇女的监护: tutela mulierum; tutelamulierum妹妹的监护人: my sister’s keeper女子的监护人: tutor mulierum少女的监护人: the duenna选择的监护人: guardian by election