对: answer; reply人身: living body of a human being ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...侵害: encroach on; make inroads on ...行为: action; behaviour; conduct; ...对人身的侵害: ex iniuria; exiniuria对动产的侵害行为: trespass to chattel对土地的侵害行为: trespass to land对人身的“直接侵害”: trespasstoperson对动产所有权的侵害行为: conversion侵害行为: injurious act版权侵害行为: piracy蓄意损害行为, 蓄意非法侵害: malicious trespass电磁幅射对人身的伤害: hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel侵害行动: injurious act人身的: personal产生精神上痛苦之故意侵害行为: intentional infliction of mental distress独立的侵害: independent injury可辩认的侵害: distinguishable injury妨害行为: nuisance伤害行为: injury危害行为: dangerous act要害行为: critical behavior故意侵害人身: intentional interference with the person消极妨害行为: negligent interference