寨: stockade camp市镇: small towns; towns; market t ...市镇: small towns; towns; market town城市;市镇: town戴市镇: daishizen李市镇: lishizhen两市镇: liangshizhen龙市镇: longshizhen纽市镇: town of newmarket任市镇: renshizen市镇 (法国): communes of france市镇,城市: town市镇;墟镇: market town市镇报: town journal市镇径: town trail; towntrail小市镇: bourg新市镇: new town; satellite city [town]兴市镇: xingshizhen墟镇;市镇: market town蔺市镇: linshizhen边境市镇: border town地下市镇: underground town东涌新市镇: north lantau new town海滨的市镇: a seaside town hotel holiday海港市镇: town with a harbour used by seagoing ships