- have [contain] a profound message; be pregnant with meaning; entertain a thought deeply
- 寓意: implied meaning; moral; mess ...
- 深刻: depth; deep; profound; deepg ...
- 寓意深邃: have a profound message
- 寓意: implied meaning; moral; message; import 赋予故事以寓意 attach a moral to a story; 这故事的寓意是“三思而后行”。 the moral of the story is “look before you leap.”; 寓意画 emblem
- 深刻: depth; deep; profound; deepgoing 深刻的洞察力 deep insight; 深刻的批评 incisive criticism; 深刻地阐明 expound profoundly; 深刻理解某一问题 have a sound grip of a problem; 进行深刻的分析 make penetrating analysis; 这篇杂文极为深刻有力。 the essay is most penetrating and powerful. 别的学生佩服他的理解力深刻。 the other students admired his depth of understanding