寒冷: cold; frigid的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...天穹: the vault of heaven; firmame ...寒冷的天: a chilly day morning room寒冷的天气: a frigid climate在寒冷的天气中: in the cold weather寒冷的天气使树叶变红了: the cold weather turned the leaves red他适应了寒冷的天气: when he moved to canada the children adapted to the change very well寒冷的: acold; algid; bitterer; bitterest; bleaker; bleakest; chillsome; frigid (refrigerated; freezing); hibernal; hiemal; hyperborean; icy / freezing / chilly / ice cold / frigid; parky; rigid a. frigid; toothed; wintery; wintry寒冷的,很冷的: parky老兵当着首相的面咒骂寒冷的天气: before the premier the old soldier scolds the cold weather你很快会适应这寒冷的天气的: l02-end冬季的, 寒冷的: hiemal冬天的,寒冷的: hibernal寒冷的北风: cold winds from the north寒冷的冬天: severe winter寒冷的斗斗: chill with the bully寒冷的气侯: a cold climate寒冷的世界: the cold world寒冷的雪人: cold snowman寒冷的夜晚: a chill night寒冷的雨: cold rain寒冷冷的: cold适于寒冷的: suitable for such conditions严寒冷的: cold