Abstract : classification of ferrisols and ferralisols were reviewed in the paper 文摘:回顾了我国富铁土和铁铝土分类的历史。
In chinese soil taxonomy the soils of the tropical and subtropical china could be grouped into ferrisols and ferralisols 据此,这一区域的地带性土壤主要是富铁土和铁铝土。
It concluded 56 that ferrisols aggregate breakdown was caused by the pressure produced by the entrapped air in the soil porosity when fast wetting , which indicated that ferrisols erosion was most severe in the sudden heavy rain in the nature 富铁土团聚体的崩解主要是由土壤快速湿润时,挤压孔隙内的闭塞空气而产生的压力,说明富铁土土壤在突降暴雨时侵蚀最严重。
From the aspect of soil characters , aggregate distribution and stability as well as aggregate stability mechanism of ferrisols were studied in this paper , which would have great importance in reducing water erosion danger , stabilizing and improving agricultural production , preserving soil resources and balancing soil ecological system 本研究应用多种方法,从团聚体稳定性的角度,研究富铁土对水力侵蚀的敏感性并探讨其影响团聚体稳定的物理学机制,对于减小水蚀危害、保护土壤资源、维持和提高生产率、维护土壤生态系统平衡具有重要意义。
The results of aggregate distribution and stability on ferrisols used by le bissonnais ' s method suggested that , treatment method and initial size had greatly affected on aggregate stability and aggregate distribution . fast wetting ( fw ) treatment had the largest disruption while wet - stirring ( ws ) treatment had the lowest disruption 采用lebissonnais法的三种处理方法测定富铁土的团聚体分布与团聚体稳定性的结果表明,湿处理后的颗粒分布随处理的不同以及初始团聚体的大小不同而变化很大。