富人: rich man rich; abundant的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...巢穴: lair; den; nest; hideout海盗的巢穴: a pirate's lair罪恶的巢穴: sink of iniquity罪犯的巢穴: haunt of criminals阿鲁高的巢穴: arugal's lair戈鲁尔的巢穴: gruul's lair阿库麦尔的巢穴: blackphantom deeps akumais lair奥妮克希亚的巢穴: onyxia's lair - dustwallow istance; onyxia's lair - entrance玛瑟里顿的巢穴: magtheridon's lair直扑匪徒的巢穴: swoop down on the bandit富人的良心: the conscience of the rich富人的生活: the life of the rich访问图片格鲁尔的巢穴通: noui巢穴: lair; den; nest; hideout 海盗的巢穴 a pirate's lair; 那只虎退回巢穴。 the tiger retired to its den富人: man of wealth; rich; tomihito; tomito猎头人的荣耀-洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾: head hunter"s glory-troll nest穷人的一只羔羊比富人的一头牛还要珍贵: a lazy sheethinks its wool heavy财产;富人: wealth (l02)富人区: silk-stocking district高处的巢: aery苍鹭巢穴: heronry巢穴化石: sand rock盗贼巢穴: den of thieves