宿: an ancient term for constell ...祢: one's deceased father whose ...摩: rub; scrape; stroke宿祢: sukune宿翳: nebula诉: 动词1.(说给人) tell; relate; inform 告诉 tell2.(倾吐) complain; accuse 倾诉 pour out (one's feelings, troubles, etc.); unbosom [unburden] oneself of; 控诉 accuse; 诉衷情 open one's heart to3.(控告) appeal to; resort to 上诉 appeal to a higher court; 反诉 countercharge; counterclaim宿曜: the twenty-eight constellations and seven luminaries诉,起诉,控告: sue宿逋: [书面语] long-term overdue debt诉案范围外: ultra petita宿萼蒴果: diplotegia诉不尽的爱意: more than i can say宿萼瘦果: scleranthium