Animal viruses generally are phagocytosed and gain entry to host cells from vacuoles . 动物病毒则一般是吞噬后从空泡进入宿主细胞内。
By this stage the host cell shows characteristic vacuolation and other cytopathic effects . 到此阶段,宿主细胞显示典型的空泡化和其它细胞病理效应。
The newt, instead of producing the belly of the host cells above the transplant, was stimulated to produce a second central nervous system . 移植块上方的宿主细胞不是产生蝾螈的腹部,而是被刺激产生第二个神经系统。
Morphological observation on apoptosis induced by influenza virus infection 流感病毒感染诱导宿主细胞凋亡的形态学观察
To be successful , a virus must be able to recognise and attach to a host cell 病毒必须能够识别并感染宿主细胞才能成功。