



        容许:    tolerate; permit; admit; bro ...
        残留:    remain; be left over; residu ...
        :    price; value
        公称值 容许残留值:    tolerancevalue
        不容许残留:    zero tolerance
        容许残留量:    allowable residue limit; permissible residual amount
        国际容许残留量:    international tolerance
        国家容许残留量:    national tolerance
        最大容许残留量:    permissible residue level
        最高容许残留量:    maximum residue limit
        肥料的残留值:    residual value of fertilizer
        食品中农药允许残留量:    permissible pesticide residue in food
        农药残留容许量:    pesticide residue tolerance
        农药残留物容许量:    tolerance for pesticide residue
        保留值:    retention
        残留:    remain; be left over; residual
        容许:    1.(许可) tolerate; permit; admit; brook; allow 如条件容许 if conditions permit; 情况不容许我们再等待了。 in such circumstances we can't afford to wait any longer. 可以容许你有五天的准备时间。 you will be allowed five days to prepare. 我们不容许任何外来干涉。 we will brook no outside interference. 这件事不容许再耽搁了。 the matter brooks no further delay.2.(或许) possibly; perhaps 这类事情, 十年前容许有之。 such things might possibly have happened ten years ago.; 容许差 allowance; 容许电流 allowable current; permissible current; 容许度 permission; 容许反应 homologation reaction; 容许功率 allowable power; 容许故障率 acceptable malfunction rate; 容许荷载 allowable load; permissible load; safety load; 容许极限 tolerance; allowance; tolerable limit; 容许误差 allowable error; admissible error; permissble error; 容许限度 allowable limit; 容许值 admissible value; 容许阻力 allowable resistance
        保留值比:    retention ratio
        保留值范围:    rk
        保留值预测:    retention forecasting
        保留值增量:    retention increment
        调整保留值:    adjusted retention value
        留值停薪:    retain the job but suspend the salary
        色谱保留值:    chromatographic retention
        相对保留值:    ri.s, relative retention value; ri.s,relative retention value


  1. "容许参差额"英文
  2. "容许参数"英文
  3. "容许参数, 许可参数"英文
  4. "容许参数空间"英文
  5. "容许残留量"英文
  6. "容许舱长"英文
  7. "容许策略"英文
  8. "容许查察令"英文
  9. "容许差"英文
  10. "容许差错就率"英文


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