

发音:   用"家禽霍乱"造句


  1. Biogen - tab is an effective and invaluable medicine for many poultry diseases , particularly chronic respiratory disease , infectious coryza , salmonelloses fowl typhoid and paratyphoid infection , blue comb disease , fowl cholera , coccidiosis , and leucocytozoon disease . the diseases infected by virus , such as newcastl disease , avian encephalomyelitis are found not to be effected by biogen - tab treatment
    爱禽美对许多家禽疾病是相当有效的药品,特别是慢性呼吸器病,通称crd ,传染性可利查,沙士杆菌病如家禽伤寒,副伤寒,蓝冠病,家禽霍乱,球虫病,及白冠病等但有些疾病,由病毒感染者无效如新城鸡瘟,传染性喉头气管炎


        家禽:    fowls; poultry
        霍乱:    cholera acute gastroenteriti ...
        鸡瘟,家禽霍乱。:    chicken cholera
        家禽霍乱病:    chicken cholera
        家禽霍乱症:    fowl cholera
        鸡霍乱,家禽霍乱症。:    fowl cholera
        禽霍乱:    cholera avium; cholera gallinarium; fowl cholera
        禽霍乱菌苗:    fowl cholera vaccine
        霍乱:    1.[医学] (霍乱弧菌引起的烈性传染病) cholera2.[中医] (泛指剧烈吐泻、腹痛、转筋等症) acute gastroenteritis◇霍乱毒素 cholera toxin
        家禽:    fowl; domestic bird; domestic fowl; poultry 拔去家禽的毛 pluck fowls; 去[未去]掉内脏的家禽 drawn [undrawn] fowls; 饲养家禽 breed [keep; raise] fowls; 家禽饲养场 hennery; poultry farm; 家禽饲养员 poultryman
        副霍乱:    paracholera; vibrio parahaemoparalyticus
        干霍乱:    dr cholera; dry cholera
        寒霍乱:    vomiting and diarrhea due to cold
        霍乱虫:    cholera worm
        霍乱的:    choleraic
        霍乱红:    cholera red
        霍乱菌:    cholera bacteria
        霍乱热:    cholera fever
        霍乱原:    choleragen
        霍乱痧:    choleraic eruptive disease
        鸡霍乱:    chicken cholera; chicken-cholera; fowl cholera
        假霍乱:    eholera morbus; sporadic cholera
        冷霍乱:    algid cholera
        轻霍乱:    cholerine
        鸭霍乱:    duck cholera


  1. "家禽和蛋"英文
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  5. "家禽回转式去毛机"英文
  6. "家禽霍乱病"英文
  7. "家禽霍乱症"英文
  8. "家禽家畜"英文
  9. "家禽家畜名称"英文
  10. "家禽加工厂"英文


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