家: family; household有: 5年 fifteen years宠物: pet; pet animal写出你所有宠物清单: make a list of the pets you have宠物: pet; pet animal 这条小狗是孩子们的宠物。 the small dog was a great pet with the boys 家有miss: happy lesson爱畜;宠物: pet宠物(复数): pets宠物包: per carrier宠物城: pet city宠物蛋: tamagotchi宠物垫: dog mat-01宠物店: pet shop hop; pet shops; pet store; petshop of horror宠物狗: dogz宠物龟: pet turtles宠物猫: catz; kittyluv; my pet cat宠物墓: pet tomb宠物鸟: pet bird宠物犬: pet dogs宠物窝: p4-188l宠物星: qq-608哈利,宠物: harry罗恩,宠物: ron帕西,宠物: persy派宠物: major pet