Guangzhou grand fortune home economics services center ( gfhesc ) is the member of managing directors of china home service association ( chsa ) , guangdong home economics association ( gdhea ) , and guangzhou home economics association ( gzhea ) , found in aug 1996 广州市千福企业有限公司家政服务中心是中国家政服务业协会常务理事单位,广东省家政协会和广州市家庭服务业协会的常务理事单位。
家政: household management协会: association; society; instit ...埃及家政协会: egyptian association of home economics the财政协会: financial institutions军政协会: military government association政协会议: chinese people's political consultative conference国际财政协会: ifa; international fiscal association国际邮政协会: international post union辽宁政协会馆: liaoning zhengxie hotel美国财政协会: american finance association万国邮政协会: postal union两会(人大和政协会议): npc &cppcc美国电子邮政协会: usema united states electronic mail association政协: [简] (中国人民政治协商会议) the chinese people's political consultative conference (c.p.p.c.c.)家政: domestic economy; domestic science; family and consumer science; good housekeeping; home economics; homemaking; housewifery; husbandry; iemasa家政,家事。: housewifery家政联: ifhe家政学: home economics李家政: chia-cheng lee许家政: xu jiazheng《人民政协报》: journal of the chinese pepople's political consultative conference全国政协: committee for 21st centenary forum of cppcc national committee; national committee of the chinese people's political consultative conference人民政协: the chinese people's political consultative conference苏南政协: sspa行政协调会: administrative committee on coordination