宫颈: neck of uterus; uterine neck ...裂伤: lacerated wound; laceration缝合: sew up; suture; seaming; lac ...术: art; skill; technique宫颈裂伤: laceration of cervix; tear of cervix子宫颈裂伤: laceration of cervix; laceration of uterine cervix陈旧性子宫颈裂伤: old laceration of cervix子宫颈裂伤修补术: repair of laceration of cervix; repairoflacerationofcervix宫颈缝合术: trachelorrhaphy宫颈撕裂伤缝术: suture of laceration of cervix口腔穿通伤缝合术: suture of perforating wound of oral cavity指尖损伤缝合术: suture of finger tip injury睑缘撕脱伤缝合术: suture of lacerated lid margin子宫颈缝合术: hysterotrachelorrhaphy; trachelorrhahy睑缘撕脱伤缝合术 睑缘撕脱伤缝合术: sutureoflaceratedlidmargin大血管撕裂伤缝合修复术: repair of laceration of great vessels by suture耳撕裂伤缝合修复术: repair of ear laceration by suture胃撕裂伤缝合修复术: repair of stomach laceration by suture子宫颈内口缝合术: suture of internal orifice of cervix子宫颈撕裂缝合术: trachelorrhaphy鼻撕裂伤缝术: suture of laceration of nose舌撕裂伤缝术: suture of laceration of tongue腭撕裂伤缝术: suture of laceration of palate缝合术: sutura; suture无损伤缝合针: eyele suture needle; eyeless suture needle; non-traumatic suture needle